Wednesday, July 17, 2024








JULY 17th, 2012



A LIGHT at the END of the TUNNEL



There’s a light

A light

At the end

Of the tunnel


It’s called God

It’s called Christ

It’s called love


It’s a light

That will shine

Through every situation

That shines through every darkness


Glowing glowing glowing


It’s a light

That will shine

Through every difficulty

A light that will shine

Through every problem


Glowing glowing


There’s a light

At the end

Of that dark tunnel


Glowing glowing glowing


And that light

Is called Christ

That light

Is called God

That light

Is called love


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “Your word is a lamp to my feet

             And a LIGHT for my path”                              Psalm 119:105


            “You are the LIGHT of the world

              A city on a hill cannot be hidden

              Neither do people LIGHT a lamp

              And put it under a bowl


             Instead they put it on its stand

             And it gives LIGHT to everyone

             In the house”                                                 Matthew 5:14-15


            “God is LIGHT

              And in Him is no darkness at all”                   1 John 1:5


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