Tuesday, July 23, 2024








YOUR JOURNEY IN FAITH=Mary Magdalene’s story


WE are all=on a JOURNEY of faith=in this world=and

What I found is=it is NOT IMPORTANT=for us

To be PERFECT=particularly in LOVE=like Jesus was=

Though we should try


Mary Magdalene was NO DIFFERENT=she was a sinner=and

Was floundering in=IN HER FAITH=Until she FOUND Jesus=

Not unlike so many of us today=We are all FLOUNDERING=

To a certain extent


“Jesus said’=’Do NOT HOLD on to me= for I have not yet=ascended

To the Father=Go instead  to my brothers=and tell them=’I am=

Ascending to my Father=and your Father=to my God and your

God’”                                                                                                                                                                   John 20:17


Jesus had the SAME Father=as all of us=the Holy Father God=and

Mary Magdalene=was on a JOURNEY OF FAITH=just like all the



The JOURNEY=to find God=and she FOUND=the LIVING GOD=in

Her Master and Teacher Jesus Christ=Just like all of us have=YOUR

JOURNEY IN FAITH=the STORY of Mary Magdalene


Jesus told Mary=to go and=SHARE THE GOOD NEWS=and she did=

“Mary Magdalene=went to the disciples=with the news=’I have

Seen the Lord’=And she told them=that she had said these things

To her”                                                                                                                                                             John 20:18


Mary’s story=is the SAME=as all the rest of us=but she KNEW

Jesus personally=something none=of the rest of us=CAN EVER DO=

Nevertheless=we have the SAME JOURNEY as Mary Magdalene=the

JOURNEY to find=Our ever LIVING Holy Father God=and his Son

Jesus Christ=to FIND the hope that we need=to SUSTAIN US=through

This most chaotic world


And once we=HAVE FOUND THAT HOPE=it is our job=to SHARE

The Good news=just like Mary Magdalene did=and I TRY AND DO=

As I am sure you do too


“How beautiful=on the mountains=are the feet of those=

Who bring the GOOD NEWS”                                                                                                                Isaiah 52:7


“After John=was put in prison=Jesus went into Galilee=

Proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of God=’The time has come’=

He said=’The kingdom of God=has come near=Repent and

Believe=THE GOOD NEWS!’”                                                                                                              Mark 1:14-15


“Day after day=in the temple courts=and from house to house=

They never stopped teaching and proclaiming=THE GOOD NEWS=

That Jesus is the Messiah”                                                                                                                     Acts 5:42


Jesus commissioned Mary Magdalene=to go and tell the others

THE GOOD NEWS=that is why=she=is known as

THE APOSTLE TO THE APOSTLES=and she did it=with

Joy and courage=”Be on your guard=stand firm=in the faith=

BE COURAGEOUS=be strong=do everything in love”                                                          1 Corinthians 16:13

Mary Magdalene was on her=JOURNEY TO FIND GOD=and

She did=when SHE FOUND JESUS


I WONDER=if Mary Magdalene=Could teach us=how to LET GO

Of some of the things=WE ARE HOLDING ON TO=we carry so

MUCH BAGGAGE in this world=when we ONLY need to find Jesus=

ON OUR JOURNEY OF FAITH=Your journey of FAITH to find



Your Journey=my journey=is the SAME JOURNEY=Mary Magdalene took


In Jesus’ name


Robert P. Wallman




Ps      INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Sr. Julia Walsh, F.S.P.A.


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