Thursday, July 25, 2024








JULY 25th, 2012






I have experienced the words:

“You will never live again”


I have heard the words

From an attractive young woman

”I love you as a friend”

Not that big of a deal now

But at the time

I thought it was the end


God is in my heart


There have been times

With not a penny in my pocket

I didn’t know

Where my next meal was coming from


God is in my soul


Have you ever been so sick

And flat on your back

Not able to get up

And heard the words

“Get up-there isn’t anything wrong with you”

I have

And it isn’t any fun


“For I am convinced that

Neither death nor life”

God is my life

Christ is my life


“Neither the present

Nor the future

Nor any powers”

I love God with my whole heart

I love God with my whole soul


“Neither height nor depth

Nor anything else in all creation”

I love God with my whole mind

I love God with all my might


“Will be able to separate us

From the love of God

That is in Christ Jesus our Lord”

( Romans 8:38-39 )



1 Corinthians 13:8


“And we know that in all things

God works for the good of those who love him

And have been called according to his purpose”

( Romans 8:28 )


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “The stone the builders REJECTED

             Has become the cornerstone

             The Lord has done this

             And it is marvelous in our eyes”                                    Psalm 118:22


            “As you come to him-the living Stone-

              REJECTED by men but CHOSEN by God

              And precious to him-you also like living stones

              Are being built into a spiritual house

              To be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices

              Acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”                           1 Peter 2:4


            “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life

              But whoever REJECTS the SON will not see life

              ……..”                                                                                John 3:36






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