Monday, July 29, 2024








JULY 29th, 2012






She’s a Mary woman

Living in a Martha world


She’s loving

She’s praying

She’s going

To Mass every day

She knows

That it is love

That is important

In every way


She forgot to clean

She forgot to cook

She’ll get to it

When she gets to it

That’s just her way


She’s a Mary woman

Living in a Martha world


She’s loving

She’s praying

She’s going

To Mass every day

She knows

That it’s love

That is important

In every way


She’s a Mary woman

Living in a Martha world


She’s driving

Her children to soccer practice

To school to and from

Between that and

Cleaning and cooking

She’s all out of time


All the above

Is important

We know that too

But don’t forget to be

A Mary woman

In today’s world too


Be a little Mary too

Be loving

Be praying

Go to

The Church ( Temple, Mosque ) of your choice too

Be a Mary woman

In our world too


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        For the women of TODAY

            July 29th-is the feast day of Saint Martha


            “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way

             He came to a village where a woman named Martha

             Opened her home to him


             She had a sister called Mary-who sat at the Lord’s feed

             Listening to what he said

             But Martha was distracted by all the preparations

             That had to be made


             She came to him and asked,

             “Lord-don’t you care that my sister has left me

              To do the work by herself

              TELL HER to help me!”


              “MARTHA-MARTHA”-the Lord answered

               You are worried and upset about many things

               But only ONE THING is needed


               Mary has chosen what is BETTER

               And it will NOT be taken away from her”                            Luke 38-42


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