Wednesday, July 31, 2024








JULY 31st, 2012






Jesus gave us

The Great Commission


He said

Go and make disciples


Of all nations


The job

Is only part done


Are you

Going to accept Christ’s challenge

Are you

Going to

Help get it done


Are you going to do

All that you can

To get the job done


Even if it is

Only bringing one person to God

That furthers Jesus’ purpose

And help gets the job done


The great commission is upon us

Let us begin to make disciples

Of all people

Of all nations

Beginning today


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “The DISCIPLES were called Christians first at Antioch        Acts 11:26


            “By this all men will know you are my DISCIPLES

              If you love one another”                                                John 13:35


             “Therefore go and make DISCIPLES of all nations

               Baptizing them in the name of the Father

               And of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

               And teaching them everything I commanded you

               And surely I am with you ALWAYS

               To the very END of the age”                                   Matthew 28:19-20



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