Thursday, July 25, 2024










James the Greater

Was a son of Zebedee

Was an Apostle

And together

With his brother John

Were called “sons of thunder”


“Going on from there

He saw two other brothers

James-son of Zebedee

And his brother John


They were in a boat

With their father Zebedee

Preparing their nets


Jesus called them

And immediately

They left their boat

And their father

And followed him”                                                                Matthew 4:21-22


Thus James

Was an original Apostle


We know that James

Along with Peter

And his brother John

Were present at the Transfiguration


“After six days

Jesus took with him

Peter, James and John-the brother of James

And led them up to a high mountain

By themselves”                                                                             Matthew 17:1


There they saw Jesus

Talking with Moses and Elijah


And we know

That James and John were so presumptuous

That they asked for their spot

In the kingdom


“Teacher,” they said,

“We want you to do for us

Whatever we ask”


“What do you want me to do

For you,” Jesus asked


They replied

“Let one of us

Sit at the right

And the other at your left

In your glory”


And Jesus told them,

“Whoever wants to become great

Among you

Must be a servant

And whoever wants to be first

Must be slave to all”                                                 Matthew 10:35-44


In other words

They have to prove themselves first


As we too

Must prove ourselves

To be a servant of God


He was the first Apostle

To die for the Christian faith


Legend has it

That he preached the Gospel in Spain

After the Resurrection


That is why today

He is the patron Saint of Spain


He was put to death by the sword

By King Herod


So today-his feast today

We pray Dear Lord

That we prove ourselves just like Saint James


Only NOT by dying

For the faith


But by LIVING for it


Robert P. Wallman




Ps          7-25-18 and 7-25-2019



Saint James' feast day is July 25th

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