Sunday, July 28, 2024







JULY 28th, 2012





Hope in life

Hope in death

Hope in anything

Hope in everything

Hope when there

Isn’t even any


Hope is believing

In what can’t be seen

Hope is hoping

When it’s impossible to believe


Hope is

Hoping that there will be a miracle

Hope is hoping

In what can’t be seen


Hope is believing in God

Hope is knowing that he is there



Hope is all we have



Hope is all we need




Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “Why are you downcast-oh my soul

             Why so disturbed within me

              Put your HOPE in God

              For I will yet praise him

              My Savior and my God”                                                       Psalm 42:11


            “Command those who are rich in the present world

              Not to be arrogant

              Nor to put their HOPE in the world

              Which is so uncertain

              But to put their HOPE in God”                                                1 Timothy 6:17


            “And HOPE does not disappoint us

              Because God has poured out his love

              Into our hearts by the Holy Spirit

              Whom he has given us”                                                        Romans 5:5




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