Friday, July 19, 2024














JULY 19th, 2012







Who are you

Who am I

To be passing judgment on someone else

In today’s world


Give mercy

Give compassion

Give someone a free pass

Give someone love

God’s love


Look at the story of Daniel

Did you know

That the name Daniel means

“God is my judge”


Daniel goes public

He confesses his sin

And the sins of God’s people


How can Daniel

Be so sure

God will forgive him

Forgive them


Because Daniel knows

That he has the history of God

On his side


Daniel knows

That our God

Is a God of love and compassion

He has rescued his people

Over and over again


God saved

Daniel’s 3 friends

From the blazing furnace

God saved Daniel himself

From the lion’s den


And in Luke 7

We find Jesus saying,

“Do not judge

Or you too will be judged

For in the same way

That you judge others

You will be judged

And with the measure you use

It will

Be measured against you”


Take Daniel as your model

Give mercy---give love


Take Jesus

As your model

And as your God


Because giving someone else mercy

And not judgment

Is God’s way


Give someone love

Give someone a free pass

And do it TODAY


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “It does not therefore depend on man’s desire or effort

            But on God’s MERCY”                                                       Romans 9:16


           “Blessed are the merciful

            For they will be shown MERCY”                                        Matthew 5:7


           “Because judgment without mercy

             Will be shown to anyone who has NOT been merciful

             MERCY triumphs over judgment!”                                       James 2:13


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