Sunday, July 21, 2024







JULY 21st, 2012






I ask myself

Are people seeing Jesus Christ

In me


If not

Why not

Why aren’t

People seeing Jesus Christ in me


Are people

Seeing Jesus Christ

In you


If not

Why not

Why aren’t

People seeing Jesus Christ in you


Grace sustained

Grace made plain

If I am living right

People should be seeing

God’s grace in me


If not

Why not

Is it something in me

Is it something in you


Are people seeing God’s grace in me

If not

Why not


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        But you know him

             For he LIVES with you and will be IN YOU.”                                   John 15:17


            “Don’t you know

             That you yourselves are GOD’S temple

             And that God’s spirit LIVES IN YOU”                                   1 John 3:16


            “I have been crucified with Christ

             And I no longer live

             BUT CHRIST LIVES IN ME”                                                 Galatians 2:20



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