Wednesday, July 24, 2024







JULY 24th, 2012






Missing children

Where are you

Missing children

Please know

God loves you


Little child

God wants you safe

God wants you home

God wants you to know

That you

Are never alone


Little child

God wants you

To know

That wherever you are

That God is with you

And that

You are never alone


Little child

God wants you to know

That he loves you

And that you

Are never alone


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       Written for missing children everywhere


            People were bringing little children to Jesus

            To have him touch them

            But the disciples rebuked them


            When Jesus saw this-he was indignant

            He said to them


            “Let the little children come to me

             And do not hinder them

             For the kingdom of God

             Belongs to such as these


             I tell you the truth

             Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God

             Like a little child will never enter into it


             And he took the children in his arms

             Put his hands on them and blessed them”                                    Mark 10:13-16


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