Tuesday, July 30, 2024








(Like God and Jesus)


The BOY SCOUTS take an oath=to HONOR God and country=

We should ALL=do the same=we should all be WORKING=to

DO RIGHT ALWAYS!=to do JUSTICE=in our world


TO HONOR God and our COUNTRY=to HONOR God and

OUR FAMILY=”Make justice YOUR AIM=redress the wronged=

Hear the orphan’s plea=DEFEND the widow”                                                                        Isiah 1:17


Our God=Our Jesus=told us=what PURE RELIGION IS=and

It is to TAKE CARE=of the widow and the orphan=Our JAMES=

Tells us so=”RELIGION that God our Father accepts=as PURE=

And faultless is this=to look after ORPHANS AND WIDOWS=in

Their distress=and to keep oneself=from being polluted=by

The world”                                                                                                                                      James 1:27


We really should=AS CHRISTIANS and followers=of the Holy



“Far be it from you=to do such a thing=-------to kill the RIGHTEOUS=and

The wicked alike=Far be it from you!=Will not THE JUDGE OF ALL=the

Earth do RIGHT?”                                                                                                                                  Genesis 18:25


“HE said’=’If you listen carefully=to the Lord your God=and do

WHAT IS RIGHT=in his eyes=if you pay attention=to his commands-

And keep his decrees…….’”                                                                                                              Exodus 15:26


“The ways of the Lord=ARE RIGHT=the righteous walk in them=

But the rebellious=stumble in them”                                                                                   Hosea 14:9


IF we have lost=our enthusiasm =for LOVING GOD=for

LOVING OTHERS=Maybe we will=have to go back and=

READ SOME SCRIPTURES=a little more=or PRAY a little more=to

REV UP our passion for the Lord=and


RETAKE=our vows=for God and family and country and=TRY TO

DO RIGHT ALWAYS=to work for justice always=in this LOST WORLD

That we live in


“Do not repay anyone=evil for evil=Be careful=to DO WHAT IS RIGHT=in

The eyes of everyone”                                                                                                                        Romans 12:17


“That power=is the same=as the mighty strength=he exerted=when

He raised Christ from the dead=and seated him=at THE RIGHT HAND=in

The heavenly realms…….”                                                                                                                Ephesians 1:20


“Finally brothers and sisters=whatever is true=whatever is noble=

WHATEVER IS RIGHT=whatever is admirable=--------if anything is

Excellent or praiseworthy=-------think about such things”                                           Philippians 4:8


DO YOUR DUTY for God=Live out of LOVE=make your

OATH OF TRUTH to God=by DOING WHAT IS RIGHT=at all times=

IN whatever place that you are=WORK FOR JUSTICE=in this world


In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our ever LIVING=ever loving=ever

RIGHT AND JUST=Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Terence Hegarty 

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