Thursday, July 18, 2024








JULY 18th, 2012






The world tries to

Sell us money

The world tries to

Sell us sex

The world tries to

Sell us science


Your choice

Are you believing it


God teaches us love

God teaches us kindness

God teaches us forgiveness

Your choice

Are you buying it


I made my choice

A long long time ago

I’m still holding steady

I’m still holding strong


I just need

One more miracle

To prove to you

The world is wrong


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “If anyone CHOOSES to do God’s will

             He will find out whether my teaching comes from God

             Or whether I speak on my own


             He who speaks on his own

             Does so to gain honor for himself

             But he who works for the honor

             Of the one who sent him

             Is a man of truth:

             There is nothing false about him”                                 John 7:17


            “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord

              The people he CHOSE for his inheritance”                  Psalm 33:12


            “But we ought always to thank God for you

              Brothers loved by the Lord

              Because from the beginning God CHOSE you

              To be saved through  the sanctifying work

              Of the Spirit and belief in the truth”                                      2 Thessalonians 2:13




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