Saturday, October 15, 2016


HOPE IS ALWAYS THERE FOR THE TRUE CHRISTIAN HOPE is a very Elusive emotion We ALL HOPE for something We don't have=a spouse- a family- GOOD HEALTH=being a millionaire Or for some of us-it's simply Just making the next green light- Or having a PEACEFUL DAY “MAY the eyes of your hearts Be ENLIGHTENED That you May KNOW what is the HOPE........” Ephesians 1:18 But WHO among us If we have lived a FAIR Amount of time Hasn't seen our hopes decimated A bad health diagnosis The LOSS of a loved one The losing of a job Our life can TURN On a dime-and- We can easily LOSE HOPE Without hope=we are in A deep disturbing place Without hope OUR FAITH is called into question And HOW can we love? It-our HOPE-will never disappear Because as a CHRISTIAN Our hope is not DEPENDENT On external circumstances Our faith-hope-and love IS in God and Christ himself Who NOTHING in this life can defeat Or ever defeat HOPE LIVES!-it depends on the PROOF That Christ is indeed alive “For in this HOPE We are SAVED But hope that is seen Is NO hope at all Who hopes For what they already have? But if we hope For what we do NOT yet have We WAIT for it PATIENTLY” Romans 8:24-25 I get up every day And I work for UNITY AND PEACE In this world I work for a DREAM Of a world= That CHRISTIAN-JEW-and MUSLIM CAN LIVE in a world Of peace-of unity-of LOVE- Under ONE GOD- THE GOD OF LOVE HOPE is always there For the TRUE CHRISTIAN Hope can NEVER Be defeated-As Christ- So PROVED He even CONQUERED DEATH “If only for this life We have HOPE in Christ We are of all people MOST to be pitied But Christ has indeed Been RAISED from the dead The first fruits of those Who have fallen asleep” 1 Corinthians 15:19-20 CHRIST LIVES-therefore so do we- Therefore-as TRUE CHRISTIANS OUR HOPE IS ALWAYS THERE In Jesus' name Robert P. Wallman 10-14-16 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE- by Paul Pennick

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