Monday, October 17, 2016


THE LASTING TREASURES OF OUR LIFE Sooner or later-each-and EVERY one of us ARE-going to leave- This world The question IS: what are you Going to LEAVE behind? What do YOU want to leave behind? Something material-something eternal- GOOD feelings-bad feelings- HOW do you make people FEEL? Of course-Jesus left the CHURCH- Behind-for each and everyone of us- A LASTING TREASURE for sure “Thus will it be for the one Who STORES up treasure for himself But is NOT RICH In what MATTERS to God” Luke 12:21 A Protestant minister friend of mine Who is NOW gone himself ONCE told me “Bob-I have been with MANY people As they have died- And NOT one ever told me- I wish I would have made Another $million They inevitably say: I wish I would have LOVED My family more-my spouse- And my children'” Thanks for that Pastor Dave- I have NEVER forgotten my family- My extended family-my friends-or The Church of God and Christ THE LASTING TREASURES Of our lives=OUR FAMILY- And our FAITH Our music-our photographs-and Even our books NOT to mention our memories And HOW we may have INSPIRED OTHERS and How we made them FEEL “Do not store up For yourselves Treasures on earth WHERE moths and vermin destroy And where thieves break-in and steal But STORE UP for yourselves TREASURES IN HEAVEN Where moths and vermin DO NOT DESTROY And where thieves do NOT Break-in and steal For WHERE your TREASURE IS There you HEART will be also” Matthew 6:19-21 I do not have Much materially-to leave behind But I DOUBT That that is important What I do HAVE is my FAITH=my LOVE OF GOD=and MY LOVE for others Of which-I HOPE- That you have felt For if you haven't- felt my LOVE I haven't done my job Also today WE CELEBRATE- The feats of Saint Ignatius of Antioch- Who was executed- In Rome-for his FAITH IN CHRIST What he LEFT BEHIND Was his letters of JOY and of his COMPLETE TRUST IN CHRIST Something ETERNAL I hope and PRAY=the world KNOWS ME In the end=for my LOVE of God- my LOVE OF CHRIST-and my LOVE FOR ALL What do you want to be THE LASTING TREASURE OF YOUR LIFE? In Jesus' name Robert P. Wallman 10-16-16 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Amy Welborn

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