Monday, October 10, 2016


LIFTING UP THE POOR OUR God has had A LOVE AFFAIR with the POOR Since the beginning And WHEN it was TIME To send his SON-the FATHER- Sent his Son as one of us- ONE OF THE POOR “He RAISES UP the lowly From the dust- From the dunghill He lifts up the poor” Psalm 113:7 And when it was TIME To face the CROSS Jesus tells us to pay attention You WILL have the poor ALWAYS “AWARE of this-Jesus said to them 'Why are you bothering this woman She has done a beautiful thing To me The POOR you will ALWAYS HAVE With you But you will NOT always Have me When she poured this perfume On my body She did it To PREPARE me for my burial Truly-I tell you WHENEVER this gospel is preached Throughout the world What she has done Will also be told in MEMORY of her” Matthew26:10-13 And the poor-we do have ALWAYS On every street corner In Miami and every street corner In America LIFTING UP the poor What can we do to HELP? The poor in America And the poor ALL AROUND the world Lift up the poor GIVE what and when you can The POOR We will have ALWAYS “My whole BEING will exclaim 'Who is like you Lord? You RESCUE the poor Form those too strong for them The poor and needy From those who rob them'” Psalm 35:10 “Whoever is KIND To the poor LENDS to the Lord And he will reward them For what they have done” Proverbs 19:17 And Jesus CAME himself- As one of the poor He CARRIED the CROSS On Calvary HILL He took the SUFFERINGS Like the poor and the oppressed And when he RESURRECTED He LIFTED UP a whole class Of people MAY we at least try To do the same LIFTING UP THE POOR Robert P. Wallman 10-10-16 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Claire J. King (UNTIL all people HAVE HOPE-this world will be a FAILURE As a civilization)

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