Monday, October 31, 2016


TRULY BEING HUMBLE Are you truly A humble person? BEFORE you answer Think about What being humble truly means Being humble means: “Having or showing A modest or low estimate Of one's own importance” And some of the synonymous words Listed are: “Deferential-respectful-self-effacing- And unassertive” I do not think it means We are nothing Or even that We should think we are nothing I would like to zero in On TWO words: modest and respectful “Jesus said, For everyone Who exalts himself Will be humbled But the one Who humbles himself Will be exalted” Luke 14:11 In this me-first #1-selfish culture That we live in WE could learn A thing from Jesus' comments About TRULY BEING HUMBLE IF you are To be EXALTED Let God or others' Do it for you We already have enough of people In this world TELLING US How great they are “He guides the humble In what is RIGHT And teaches them his way” Psalm 25:9 “He mocks proud mockers But SHOWS FAVOR To the humble and oppressed” Proverbs 3:34 “BUT he gives us MORE GRACE- This is WHY Scripture says: God opposes the proud But shows favor to the HUMBLE” James 4:6 To me- Jesus is the MOST HUMBLE man Whoever lived (And he was God) And Jesus invites us To EMBRACE the truth About ourselves Jesus is simply saying: “KNOW who you are” He is saying If you have a gift or talent ACKNOWEDGE it He is not saying NOT to pretend As if you don't have that talent But he Jesus/God Is also saying Acknowledge those Who have a greater talent Than your own Know who you are And be TRULY HUMBLE about it For first and foremost You are: A CHILD OF GOD “So in Christ Jesus You are all Children of God THROUGH FAITH” Galatians 3:16 Truly being humble Is an easy thing WHEN you realize You are a child of God And how truly SUPERIOR God is to all of us And WHEN you realize- There is ALWAYS SOMEONE- Richer-better-looking-nicer-kinder- and a better person than you are At that point TRULY BEING HUMBLE Is NOT such a difficult task In Jesus' name Robert P. Wallman 10-30-15 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Mitch Finley

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