Thursday, October 20, 2016


TWO TICKETS TO PARADISE= OUR PASSPORT TO HEAVEN There was a song-awhile back- 1977 to be EXACT-called- “TWO TICKETS TO PARADISE” It was by an artist known As Eddie Money WHEN I think about that song- I think about MY Lord Jesus- And I think about my infant BAPTISM As a Catholic-and my sponsors And my REAFFIRMATION as an adult- NOT only as a Catholic-but with my other CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS ALL we really NEED to know about Baptism- Is that Jesus-even though HE was God- He had his cousin John BAPTIZE HIM- And talked about BEING BORN AGAIN In the FAITH Our BAPTISM is our chance=OUR TICKET= To heaven-if we work at our FAITH ALL of our lives “There is a baptism With which I must be baptized And how GREAT is all my anguish Until it is accomplished” Luke 12:50 Jesus came to the river Jordan From Galilee and John baptized him In the river Jordan And WHEN he was baptized And came out of the water Heaven OPENED UP-and- The Spirit of God came Down on him and said: “This is my Son Whom I love With here I am WELL PLEASED” Matthew 3:13-17 I STILL have my ORIGINAL Baptismal gown and cup But I think it is very important That we REAFFIRM Our faith as CATHOLICS and/or CHRISTIANS As adults WHEN we can-in fact- THINK & SPEAK for ourselves Jesus was an adult- WHEN he was baptized- Maybe he was ”BORN AGAIN” In the SPIRIT too (NOT that he needed to be) Jesus told Nicodemus “Very truly-I tell you NO MAN can see The kingdom of God Unless they are BORN AGAIN” John3:3 Yes Nicodemus-was confused As many of us all are But Jesus was TALKING about BEING BORN of the SPIRIT-not the flesh Which we all NEED to be as adults And Jesus will CARRY US All the way to HEAVEN If we build- A lifetime relationship with him TWO TICKETS TO PARADISE: OUR PASSPORT to heaven With God and Jesus “CARRY each other's burdens And in this way You will FULFILL The law of Christ” Galatians 6:2 And SO as we get baptized-and- FOLLOW our path with the Lord On this earth We should get ready To PUNCH our tickets to heaven= Two tickets to PARADISE With the Lord CARRYING each and everyone of us WITH HIM Robert P. Wallman 10-19-2016 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Father James McKarns My original BAPTISM was 2-6-1955-my mother and father's first anniversary= ONLY to be REAFFIRMED numerous times as an adult

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