Monday, September 2, 2024








SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2012






I would like you to ask yourself a question


And the question is:

If you could change one thing about your life

Or one quality about yourself

Would you do it


My first reaction was

That I would love to change my health situation

It would make life better/easier

In so many areas


However-upon further reflection

I would not


I would not

Because it would change

Who I am internally

And I am finally

Getting to the point

That I really and truly

Like who I am---internally speaking


What about you

What would you change about yourself



Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “He who is the Glory of Israel

             Does not lie or CHANGE his mind

             For he is not a man

             That he should change his mind”                                                1 Samuel 15:29


           “I the Lord do NOT CHANGE

            So you-O descendants of Jacob-

            Are not destroyed”                                                                  Malachi 3:6


            “And he said, “I tell you the truth

              Unless you CHANGE and become like little children

              You will NEVER enter the kingdom of heaven”                       Matthew 18:3


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