Friday, September 13, 2024






JANUARY 9th, 2012






A friend is a friend is a friend

A real true friend

Is a friend

Until the end


I’ve had old friends

I’ve had new

But most of my friends

That I have had

Have been tried and true


Dear friend

I love you


Most of the friends

That I have had

They have been honest

They have been kind


They have been there

When I was

In a bind


Dear friend

I love you


The old friends

They have been loyal and true

Even though

I now live

A thousand miles away

They make me feel

Brand new


Dear friend

I love you


My new friends

They have been

Generous and kind

Some have even

Adopted me

And treated me

Like I am kin


Dear friend

I love you


A friend is a friend is a friend

A real true friend

Is a friend

Until the end


Dear friend

I love you


Robert P. Wallman




Ps                   For ALL the people in this world who happen to think of me as a friend

                       I think of you as one too

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