Tuesday, September 3, 2024








SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2012






Often times

We think of life as a destination


If we get that job

Then I’ll be happy


If we get that person as a partner

Then I’ll be happy


The truth is

Nothing external to ourselves

Can make us happy


The truth is

Life is a journey

We have good days

We have bad days

But we have

To get up every day

And KEEP on going

Because every day MATTERS


There is a retired minister

From a church I once belonged to

Who used to say

“We are ALL a “work-in-progress”


I could not agree more


Hopefully-when we leave this world

Someone will have benefited

Because we were a part of it


Thank you for your bit of wisdom-Dr. Priscilla Whitehead


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “Aaron is to present the Levites before the Lord

            As a wave offering from the Israelites

            So that they may be ready

            To do the WORK of the Lord”                                           Numbers 8:11


            “I thank my God every time I remember you

             In ALL my prayers for all of you

             I always pray with joy

             Because of your partnership in he Gospel

             From the first day until now

             Being confident of this

             That he who began a GOOD WORK in you

             Will carry on to COMPLETION

             Until the day of Christ Jesus”                                        Philippians 1:3-6                                     

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