Saturday, September 7, 2024











As human beings=we MEAN WELL=most of the time=but

I think we are all=A LITTLE BIT HYPOCRITICAL=at times

Jesus ACCUSES=the religious leaders of his day=to be

FULL OF HYPOCRISY=and I wonder=IF we aren’t that way

Today too=”……..CLEANSE first the inside of the cup……..”                                         Matthew 23:36


Sometimes=I have the greatest of intentions=but it

DOESN”T always come out=the way that I want=WE all

Need a little internal cleansing=ONLY BY GOD’S MERCY=CAN-



“This poor man called=and the Lord heard him=HE SAVED HIM=

Out of all his troubles”                                                                                                                Psalm 34:6


“Turn to me=AND BE SAVED=all you ends of the earth=for

I am God=and there is no other”                                                                                          Isaiah 45:22


“And everyone who calls=On the name of the Lord=will be

SAVED”                                                                                                                                                   Joel 2:32


IF we take an honest look=at ourselves=we KNOW we are

All sinners=We all have FEELINGS that we should not have=if

We are CHILDREN OF GOD=and a brother or sister=of Jesus

Christ=We feel anger=We feel envy=lust=and many other impulses=

That a child of God=should not have=We ARE all=at least a little bit=

HYPOCRITES=like the Pharisees and the=TEACHERS of the law

But we can=STILL BE SAVED=but only by=THE MERCY OF GOD!


“Everyone=will hate you=because of me=but the one who stands firm=

Till the end=WILL BE SAVED”                                                                                                                           Mark 13:13


“Salvation is found=in no one else=for there is no other name=

Under heaven given to mankind=by which we must BE SAVED”                                           Acts 4:12


“By this gospel=YOU ARE SAVED=if you hold firmly to the word=

I preached to you=Otherwise you have believed in vain”                                                      1 Corinthians 15:2


The GOSPEL message=is clear=WE cannot be saved=on

Our own merits=ONLY BY GOD’S MERCY=CAN WE BE SAVED=”Remember

Lord=Your great MERCY and love=for they are from of old”                                                             Psalm 25:6


“In all their distress=He too was distressed=and the angel of

His presence=SAVED THEM”                                                                                                                  Isaiah 63:9


Dear Lord=we PRAY=for your MERCY=each and  every day of         

Our lives=for we are sinners=We have lots of feelings that

We should not have=and it is ONLY IN YOUR MERCY=by the

Holy Father God=HIS and Jesus’ MERCY=that we can BE SAVED

In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of OUR ALL FORGIVING=all

Loving Holy Father God!”


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti!


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