Tuesday, September 3, 2024








(ALWAYS the same)


Sometimes=it is EASIER to love someone=than

It is to like them=for our ACTIONS=do not always align

Themselves=with those of another person=Yet we love

OUR FAMILY=our extended family=and we love our DEAR FRIENDS


But we don’t always LIKE one another=for we all have

Different opinions=LOVING AND LIKING=are NOT always the same=

“The second is like it=You shall LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR=as yourself”                                Matthew=22:39


LOVING and liking someone=do NOT always go hand and hand=by

The world’s measuring stick=We can love someone=even IF we

Disagree=but the STANDARDS of God=are different=We are to

LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR=and our neighbor is=EVERY ONE of us=Just

Look at =the parable of THE GOOD SANARITAN=in Luke 10=it teaches

Us a wonderful lesson=TAKING CARE of another human being=



Jesus challenges us=TO LOVE EVERYONE=even when we DON’T LIKE THEM

He tells us=not only to LOVE our family and friends=but to love our

Enemies=and to love those=who try to PERSECUTE US


“I LOVE you Lord my strength=The Lord is my rock=my fortress=and

My deliverer=for God is my rock=in whom I take refuge= my shield

And the horn of my salvation=My stronghold”                                                                                 Psalm 18:1-2


“Because YOUR LOVE=is better than life=my lips will glorify you”                                          Psalm 63:3


“Though the mountains be shaken=and the hills be removed=yet

MY UNFAILING LOVE=for you will not be shaken,,,,,,,”                                                              Isaiah 54:10


LOVING SOMEONE=when we don’t like them=is a real challenge=Yet

That is what the Lord=CALLS us to do=LOVING AND LIKING SOMEONE=

Is not always the same thing=Can we LOVE the stranger that we don’t

Even know=who is not even likable?=Can we


Love that person=who drives us crazy=whose VIEWS are a little bit

Different than our own?=God did NOT promise us easiness=in our lives=

OUR CHRISTIAN LIVES=are to be CARRYING the Cross of Christ=Loving



“But I tell you=LOVE YOUR ENEMIES=and pray for those=who

PERSECUTE YOU”                                                                                                                                     Matthew 5:44


“If you LOVE THOSE=who love you=what credit is that to you?=

Even sinners=LOVE those who love them”                                                                                      Luke 6:32


OUR GOD=tells us=that our NEIGHBOR=is every other person

In this world=and to LOVE OTHERS=How FAR are you willing to go?

To do this=Dear Lord=we PRAY TO YOU=to please show us=WHO

We are to LOVE TODAY=In Jesus’ name


And in the name=of our ever LOVING GOD=ever living God=who LOVES

EVERY single person is this world=That is OUR HOLY FATHER GOD!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Sarah Hart 

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