Tuesday, September 10, 2024








SEPTEMBER 10th, 2012






I’ll pay the price

For God

I’ll pay the price

For you

I’ll pay the price

For everyone (me too)


This world

Needs a start

This world

Needs to feel

Needs to feel

Brand new


How can we live

In a world with murder

How can we live

In a world with rape

How can we live

In a world with child abuse


I don’t have a clue

If you have an idea

Please tell me

The legal system doesn’t work

What else can we do


All I know


We can try

To set a good example

We can try

To live a life

Out of love

We can try

To live a life

Out of forgiveness


You can’t legislate morality

You can’t rid

The world of evil

That I know


What else

Can I do

I will try to set a good example

I will try

To pay the price

For you


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention

             The PRICE of wisdom is beyond rubies”                                             Job 28:18


            “You were bought at a PRICE

              Therefore honor God with your body”                                       1 Corinthians 6:20


            “You were bought at a PRICE

              Do NOT become slaves of men


              Brothers-each man-as responsible to God

              Should REMAIN in the situation GOD CALLED him to”         1 Corinthian7:23-24



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