Tuesday, September 17, 2024








SEPTEMBER 17th, 2012






I want to be

Like him


I want to live

Like him


I want to love

Like him


I want to be kind

Like him


I want to forgive

Like him


I want to be smart

In the ways of God

Like him


I want to be known

As a disciple

Of my Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ


I want to be

Like him


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        Jesus ALWAYS had a great love of children


           “Unless you change and become like little children

            You will never enter into the kingdom of heaven

            Therefore whoever humbles himself like this child

            Is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven


            And whoever welcomes a little child like this

            In my name –welcomes me


            But if anyone causes one of these little ones to sin

            It would be better for him to have a large millstone

            Around his neck and to be drowned

            In the depths of the sea”                                   Matthew 18:3-4


My mother and father always loved all children

And loved their own children and grandchildren

With an unconditional love

I wish ALL children could experience the love

That they had for us





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