Sunday, September 1, 2024








SEPTEMBER 1st, 2012






See God in every person

That person could be you


The beggar on the street

That person could be you

That person without a home

That person could be you

That person who doesn’t know

Where there next meal is coming from

That person could be you


See God in every person

That person could be you


That person without any health care

That person could be you

That person with an abused child

That person could be you

That abused wife or spouse

That person could be you


See God in every person

That person could be you


That gay/lesbian son or daughter

That person could be you

That person with gender confusion

That person could be you

That person with a cheating spouse

That person could be you

That person could be you


See God in every person

That person could be you


There but for the grace of God go I

That person could be you


That person could be you

That person could be you


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “GOD created man in his own image”                  Genesis 1:27


            “For the Lord your GOD is a merciful GOD”             Deuteronomy 4:31


            “For the Lord is a GOD who knows”                       1 Samuel 2:3

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