Sunday, September 22, 2024







(You are relevant)


Jesus is=THE SOLE REDEEMER=to this world=but

He has had=apostles=and saints=and you and me



Today=we have PRIESTS=ministers=nuns=Lay Teachers=and

WITHIN the church=we have ushers=lectors=food workers=

Financial personnel=and volunteers=to name but a few=WE

All have  a part=to PLAY within the Church=and within the


We are relevant=”Now you are Christ’s BODY=and individually

PARTS of it”                                                                                                                                               1 Corinthians 12:27


A CHURCH=is not Just its priests=or its ministers=We all

Have roles to=play in our LOCAL Churches=Even if it is=Just

To be a part of the congregation=In the same way=Christ is=and

The Holy Father God=are the HEADS of the KINGDOM OF GOD

WE ARE ALL NECESSARY!=We are all relevant=we ALL=have

ROLES=to play in God’s KINGDOM


“Do not be like them=for your Father knows=WHAT YOU NEED=

Before you ask him”                                                                                                                          Matthew 6:8


“Share with the Lord’s people=WHO ARE IN NEED=Practice

Hospitality”                                                                                                                                  Romans 12:13


“Therefore it is NECESSARY=to submit to the authorities=NOT

Only because of possible punishment=but also as a matter of

Conscience”                                                                                                                                         Romans 13:5


Saint Paul=in his first letter=to the CORINTHIANS=recognizes

This is true=IN THE ENTIRE CHURCH=We are all PART of our Lord

And the Holy Father God’s KINGDOM=You are relevant=YOU
ARE NECESSARY!=in this kingdom


EVERYONE=has a role=in the Church=and everyone has a ROLE=

IN the kingdom of God=We are NOT all priests or ministers=or prophets

But we are all part of=THE BODY OF CHRIST=and his Church=”For we were

All baptized=by one Spirit=so as to form ONE BODY=whether Jews or Gentiles

Or slave or free=-------and we were all---------Given the ONE SPIRIT to drink”         1 Corinthians 12:13


WITHOUT each of us=You and me too=The WHOLE Church cannot

BE SUCCESSFUL=for we are a part=Of the Kingdom of God=that HELPS

Us to be=the SUM of its whole=That helps the Church BE SUCCESSFUL

WE ARE ALL NECESSARY!=we are all relevant=within our church community


“Be strong and very courageous=Be careful to obey=all the law my

Servant Moses=gave you= do not turn from it=to the right or to

The left=that you may BE SUCCESSFUL=wherever you may go”                                           Joshua 1:7


My dear friends=my  dear brothers and sisters=You are NECESSARY to

The Kingdom of God=and you are RELEVANT to your LOCAL CHURCH


We are all=the SUM of our parts=and your part is very NECESSARY=to

YOUR CHURCH=DO IT to the BEST of your ability=You are part of

THE KINGDOM OF GOD=a relevant AND NECESSARY part of it


In Jesus’ name=and IN the name=of our FOREVER LIVING=forever loving=

Forever necessary Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article=In LIVIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Greg Erlandson


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