Sunday, September 15, 2024










Today=we get A LESSON FROM Jesus=from HIS WISDOM

Along with an instruction=GOD’S WISDOM is so much

FURTHER ALONG=than man’s foolishness


Today we SEE=how Jesus calls the fishermen=who are FISHING

And not catching anything=Jesus tells them=to give it=ONE MORE TRY

Can’t you just see=Peter ROLLING HIS EYES=and saying=”OK Jesus=

But we already tried”=as IF to humor Jesus+Peter and his 3 apostle

FISHERMEN=do give it one more try=and lo and BEHOLD=they CATCH

So many fish=the boat BEGINS to sink=It takes ALL of them

To bring the CATCH=into the boat=GOD’S WISDOM=and MAN’S 

FOOLISHNESS=”…….. the WISDOM of this world=is FOOLISHNESS=in the eyes

Of God……..”                                                                                                                                          1 Corinthians 3:19


The boat becomes SO FULL=that they begin to sink=and Peter falls                        

To his KNEES and says=”Go away from me Lord=for I am A SINFUL MAN”            Luke 5:8

Jesus simply says=”Don’t be afraid=from now on=you will FISH

FOR PEOPLE”                                                                                                                                                Luke 5:10

GOD’S WISDOM=AND MAN’S FOOLISHNESS=and isn’t that the way

IT is with us my friends=MY DEAR brothers and sister=WE think

We know better than God


We TRY AND TRY=to do things on our own=without the Lord=but

WHEN we get the Lord in our corner=and RELY on his strength=things

Begin to TURN our way=With The HOLY FATHER GOD and Jesus=

Things begin to happen=GOD’S WISDOM=and MAN’S FOOLISHNESS!


“God gave Solomon WISDOM=and very great insight=and a breadth of understanding

As measureless=as the sand on the seashore=SOLOMON’S WISDOM

Was greater than=THE WISDOM=of all the people of the EAST=and greater

Than all the Wisdom of Egypt”                                                                                                         1 Kings 4:29-30


“She speaks WITH WISDOM=and faithful instruction is on

Her tongue”                                                                                                                                           Proverbs 4:26


“But God made the earth=by his power=He founded the world

BY HIS WISDOM=and stretched out the heavens=by his understanding”                      Jeremiah 10:12


I WONDER=if Peter felt foolish=after Jesus taught hem=HOW to catch

So many fish=ALONG with Andrew-James-and John=did they FEEL
Foolish and “SINFUL” Like we sometimes do?=Their eyes were OPENED=

They began to UNDERSTAND=that Jesus was not just=a NORMAL MAN



“But WISDOM is proved=right by her deeds”                                                                            Matthew 11:19


“And Jesus=grew IN WISDOM=and stature=and in favor

With God and man”                                                                                                                         Luke 2:52


“If any of you=lacks WISDOM=You should ask God=who

Gives generously to all=without finding fault=and it will be=GIVEN

TO YOU”                                                                                                                                                      James 1:5


I NEVER=wonder about the WISDOM of Jesus=or that of our

Holy Father God=They know BETTER=than you and me=They KNEW

BETTER=than the early apostles=and all the SAINTS down through history


Our God=our Jesus=ask us=to look at things differently=to take on

A NEW PERSPECTIVE=WE are a part of the world=But we are NEVER

Of the world=It is up to us=to LIVE OFF OF GOD’S WISDOM=

GOD’S WISDOM=not man’s wisdom


The Christian world view=MAY look illogical and RISKY=but it is

GOD’S WISDOM that prevails=it is GOD’S WISDOM=that dances

With joy=GOD’S WISDOM=not man’s wisdom!


In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our ever loving=EVER LIVING=

EVER WISE=Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Sr. Julia Walsh, F.S.P.A.

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