Wednesday, September 4, 2024








SEPTEMBER 4th, 2012






What if

Someone came to you

And said

You could preach


About what God

Or what your religion

Means to you


What would you say

What would I say


I think

I would say

Jesus Christ

Is alive today

Living within you and living within me


I think

I would say

Jesus was the vine

We are the branches

And how we treat others


The love that we

Have for him

In today’s world


I think

I would say

He lives in you


He lives in me

And we

Live only

Through him and with him


We all

Live in

Our own unique world

We all

Have our own certain abilities

We all

Have certain limitations

We all

Have our own

Unique destiny


Our life

Is a mystery

Our destiny

Is a mystery



Not one of us

Can live in this world

And be a success

Without God

And without Christ in our lives


That is

What I would say


What would you say


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,

           And the God of Jacob

           He is not the God of the dead

           But the GOD OF THE LIVING”                                                      Matthew 22:32


           “Therefore I urge you brothers

            In view of God’s mercy

            To offer your bodies as LIVING SACRIFICES

            Holy and pleasing to God

            This is your spiritual act of worship”                                           Romans 12:1


            “For the word of God is LIVING AND ACTIVE

             Sharper than any double-edged sword

             It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit

             Joints and marrow

             It judges the thoughts and attitudes

             Of the heart”                                                                               Hebrews 4:12

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