Monday, September 2, 2024







MARY=THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN=and earth              


Today=August 22nd=2024=wraps up the OCTAVE of

THE ASSUMPTION=and designates Mary=as QUEEN of

Heaven and earth=and Mary INVITES us all=to follow

Her Son=just as she did=and BE with him IN HEAVEN=just

Like her=”The Kingdom of Heaven=may be likened to a king=

Who gave a wedding feast=for his son”                                                                                    Matthew 22:2


We FIRST=find reference to Mary=being the QUEEN=IN SCRIPTURES=

At the Annunciation=The ANGELS told Mary=that her SON=would

Rule forever=in the LINE of King David’s throne=”But the angel=

Said to Mary=’Do not be afraid=you have FOUND FAVOR with God=

You will conceive and give birth=to a Son=


And you are to call him Jesus=He will be GREAT=and will be called

Son of the MOST HIGH=The Lord=will give him the throne=of his Father

David=and he will REIGN over=Jacob’s descendants forever=hi kingdom

WILL NEVER END’”                                                                                                                             Luke 1:30-33


And later in this first chapter of Luke=We hear Elizabeth=at the

Visitation=referring to Mary as the MOTHER of My Lord=”Elizabeth

Was FILLED with the Holy Spirit=and in a loud voice she exclaimed=

‘Blessed are you among women=and BLESSED is the child you will bear!=


‘But WHY=am I so favored=that the mother of my Lord should come

To me?’”                                                                                                                                                 Luke 1:42-44


IF Jesus is our King=and he IS for me=then Mary IS OUR QUEEN

Of the earth and HEAVEN TOO=I try and honor Mary every day=by

SAYING THE ROSARY=at least twice=for that is THE WEAPON=for

Our TIMES=”THE WEAPONS=we fight with=are not the weapons=of

The world=On the contrary=they have DIVINE POWER=to demolish

Strongholds”                                                                                                                                          2 Corinthians 10:4


We PRAY to you Mary=and your Son JESUS=and ask you to PRAY

For us=at all times=particularly this minute=and at the HOUR of

Our death=forever amen!


“He was priest=of God Most High=and he blessed Abraham saying’=

‘Blessed be Abraham=by God Most High=Creator of HEAVEN and

Earth’”                                                                                                                                                  Genesis 14:19


“This is what the Lord says’=’HEAVEN is my throne=and the earth

Is my footstool’”                                                                                                                                       Isaiah 66:1


“HEAVEN AND EARTH=will pass away=but my words=will never

Pass away”                                                                                                                                             Matthew 24:35


Dear Mary=today on the FEAST DAY=of your QUEENSHIP=we recognize

You=as the QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND EARTH=and we pray=that YOUR PRAYERS

For us=will HELP US=through the maze of this earth=and RECOGNIZE

YOUR KINGDOM in heaven=with our King Jesus=your Son=and the

Holy Father God=forever and EVER=AMEN


In Jesus’ name=and in the names of Mary and Joseph=and in the name

OF our forever LIVING and LOVING=always reigning Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Pat Gohn 

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