Tuesday, September 17, 2024










DURING HIS PASSION=Jesus suffered MORE than any other

Person=who ever lived=But through the RESURRECTION=he

OFFERS US HOPE!=Hope to all=”BLESSED are you=who are

Now weeping=for you will laugh”                                                                                                   Luke 6:21  



With our health=We suffer financially=and we SUFFER IN

Our relationships=and IN every walk of life=but we CAN FIND
HOPE in Jesus=for he SURVIVED IT ALL=to live again=We can FIND

A RESURRECTED LIFE in Jesus Christ=We can FIND HOPE in him=

And IN our Holy Father God!


“Though he slay me=Yet I WILL HOPE in him=I will

Surely defend my ways=to his face”                                                                                     Job 13:15


“Yes my soul=Find rest in God=MY HOPE comes from him”                                         Psalm 62:5


“……..But those WHO HOPE=in the Lord=will renew their strength=

They will soar on wings=like eagles=They will run and not grow weary=

They will walk=and not be faint”                                                                                             Psalm 62:5


SUFFERING is a terrible thing=We all suffer=in OUR VERY OWN WAYS

It tends to=set us off=BY OURSELVES=to isolate us=but we can

FIGHT our way through it=We can GET UP AGAIN=and live to

Fight ANOTHER DAY=WE CAN get back up


FOR Jesus’ life=OFFERS US HOPE!=His life and the LOVE of the

Holy Father God=Can keep us going=GOD ANSWERS WITH HOPE!=

HOPE in our sufferings=Jesus’ RESURRECTION is the PRIZE of=

Of life and love


“FOR IN THIS HOPE=we were saved=but HOPE that is seen= is NO HOPE

At all=WHO HOPES=for what they already have?=But if we HOPE=for what we

Do not yet have=We wait for it patiently”                                                                                         Romans 8:24-25


“To them=God has chosen=to make known among the Gentiles=the

Glorious riches=of this mystery=which is Christ in you=THE HOPE

Of glory”                                                                                                                                                       Colossians 1:27


“…….While we wait for=THE BLESSED HOPE--------=the appearing of the

Glory=of our Great God and Savior=Jesus Christ…….To purify for

Himself=a people that are his very own=Eager to do=what is good”                              Titus 2:13-14


Jesus’ LIFE AND LOVE=is the PROMISE of hope=THE PROOF that

God OFFERS US HOPE=in suffering=HOPE for a resurrected life=even in

This life=but Just like Jesus=HOPE for the ETERNAL LIFE right beside

His Holy Father God!


Dear Lord=we PRAY with Thanks and GRATITUDE to Jesus and HIS FATHER=We

Pray that all of us=WHO ARE suffering FIND HOPE=In that ETERNAL PROMISE

Of the RESUREECTED LIFE=and life eternal=In Jesus’ name=and in the name of

OUR FOREVER LIVING=and forever loving=Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps        INSPIRED=by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Amy Welborn

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