Tuesday, September 10, 2024










The GOSPEL of Saint James=has a LOT of good information=

In it =for example today=James tells us=we CANNOT just be

LISTENERS=of the Word of God=that we HAVE to be DOERS

Of the WORD too=”BE DOERS of the word=and not hearers only=

Deluding yourselves”                                                                                                                                   James 1:22


DO OUR ACTIONS line up=with the words we speak?=Do we SAY

To love=and forgive=and be kind=and not give it =WITH OUR HEARTS

And our actions?=Are we GRATEFUL=for the life of Jesus Christ?=Do we

LOVE IN IMITATION OF CHRIST=To God’s words=PUT them into action=and

BE A WITNESS=for God’s words in this world


“…….so that all people=may know of your MIGHTY ACTS=and the

Glorious splendor of your kingdom”                                                                                          Psalm 145:12


“Praise him=for his ACTS OF POWER=praise him in his

Mighty heavens”                                                                                                                                       Psalm 150:2


“All of us=have become like=One who is unclean=and

All our righteous acts=are like filthy rags”                                                                              Isaiah 64:6


Are we NEGLECTFUL=to the needs of others?=are we

Listening to their words?=Are our ACTIONS LINING up=with our

Words?=Are we WITNESSING=to the word of God?=in deed also?

LISTEN to the word of God=BUT ACT and witness to it too!


Can we LIVE with true COMPASSION for others?=Can we LOVE=

FORGIVE and be kind to others too?=LIVE WITH COMPASSION for all

Others=NOT just words=but also in deeds


“You answer us=With awesome and righteous DEEDS=God

OUR SAVIOR=the hope of all of the ends of the earth=and

The farthest seas”                                                                                                                             Psalm 65:5


“Glorious and majestic=ARE HIS DEEDS=and his righteousness

Endures forever”                                                                                                                                   Psalm 11:3


“In the same way=let your light shine before others=that

They may see=YOUR GOOD DEEDS=and glorify your Father

In heaven”                                                                                                                                        Matthew 5:16


We have to get BETTER=more consistent in reading=THE SCRIPTURES=

We have to listen to the words=and then WITNESS to the WORD OF GOD

LISTENING and witnessing too!


“ONE WITNESS=is not enough to convict anyone=accused of any

Crime=or offense=that they may have committed=A matter must

BE established= by the testimony of two or three WITNESSES”                                     Deuteronomy 19:15


“But you will receive power=When the Holy Spirit comes to you=

And you will be MY WITNESSES=in Jerusalem=and in all Judea=

And Samaria=and to the ends of the earth”                                                                     Acts 1:8


So read and LISTEN TO=the word of God=but ACT

On it too=and WITNESS to Jesus’ and His Holy Father’s words



In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our FOREVER LISTENING and

WITNESSING Holy Father God


Robert P. Wallman




Ps      INSPIRED=by an article in=LOVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, I.H.M.    

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