Thursday, August 15, 2024








AUGUST 15th, 2012






Once upon a time

I saw a gastroenterologist

In Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


My stomach was blown out

To about 45 inches

Like it gets sometimes

These days-almost all of the time


I was in tremendous pain

And he asked about all my operations

And my medical history

He said,


“You must have a tremendous will to live”


That I do

Because every time

That I want to quit

Every time

That I want to give up


I remind myself

Of all those years ago

And what I said,


“I don’t think God

Wants me to die

But if he does

There must be a reason


And if I do die

To please bless my father, my mother,

Terri and Mary, my friends, and my work

Because it would be harder on them

Than it would be on me

I would be gone


But if God wants me to live

I would live for my family, my friends

And all people everywhere”


I woke up two weeks later alive


I see my job

As keeping my word to God

And bringing as much love to others

As humanly possible


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “For it is time for judgment to begin

             With the family of God

             What WILL the outcome be

             For those who do NOT obey

             The GOSPEL OF GOD”                                                                1 Peter 4:17


             “My food,” said Jesus

              “Is to do the WILL of him who sent me

              “And to finish his work”                                                             John 4:34


              “Do not conform any longer

               To the pattern of this world

               But be transformed by the renewing of the mind


               Then you will be able test and approve

               What God’s WILL is

                His good, pleasing, AND PERFECT WILL”                              Romans 12:2


Today is the feast of the ASSUMPTION





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