Saturday, August 24, 2024








AUGUST 24th, 2012






One last light


One last light

Living for God

Living for you


One last light

Living for the world

Don’t want God’s word

To die

When I go into the ground


We are

To live for the love of God

We are to live

For the love of Christ

We are to live

For the love of one another

Jesus said,

“Love one another

As I have loved you”


So I am striving to be


One last light

In this world


And I am asking you

To be


One last light too


One last light

Living for God

One last light

Living for you


Jesus said,

“Love one another

As I have loved you”


Jesus said,

“They will know you are

My disciples

By your love for one another”


Let us all be

That one last light

Let us all be Jesus’ disciples

Let us all be

That one last light

Living for God

And living for each other


Let us all be



Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “You did not choose me-But I chose you

              And I appointed you

              To go and bear fruit-fruit that will LAST”                         John 15:16


            “When I saw him- I fell at his feet as though dead

              Then he placed his right hand on me and said:

             “Do NOT be afraid-I am the First and the LAST”                   Revelations 1:17


            “But if we walk in the LIGHT

              As he is the LIGHT

              We have fellowship with one another

               And the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from ALL sin”           1 John 1:7




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