Wednesday, August 21, 2024








AUGUST 21st, 2012





In Jesus’ day

He often talked about being



Mistakenly-the people of his day

Thought he meant being “spiritual” was good

And being “earthly” was bad


What Jesus was in fact

Trying to teach us

Was to CHOOSE good instead of evil


So how can we be CHILDREN OF LIGHT

In today’s world


Give someone who can’t get out

A ride to the Doctor’s office

Or to the store to get groceries

Volunteer at a hospital or a rescue mission

Send someone a birthday or a get-well card

Do something good for someone-ANONYMOUSLY


There are any number of things

That we can do in today’s world


Or we can choose to live selfish-self-absorbed lives

Concerned ONLY with ourselves-our own material goals

Our own sexuality-or our own needs


Choose to be a “child of light” in today’s world


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “For you were once darkness

             But now you are LIGHT in the world

             Live as CHILDREN OF LIGHT

             ( For the fruit of the light

             Consists in all goodness-righteousness-and truth )”    Ephesians 5:8-9


            “But if we WALK IN THE LIGHT

              As he is in the LIGHT

              We have fellowship with one another

              And the blood of Jesus-his Son

              Purifies us from all sin”                                           1 John 1:7


            “For you have delivered me from death

             And my feet from stumbling

             That I may walk before God

             In the LIGHT OF LIFE”                                              Psalm 56:13




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