Sunday, August 4, 2024








AUGUST 4th, 2012





Life is growing

Life isn’t always knowing

Life is learning

From your previous mistakes


Life is yearning

To be something better

Life is thriving

To reach that unreachable goal


Life is being a fool

And swallowing our pride

But most of all life is living

Each day as it comes

And making the decisions we see fit

Based on our collective experiences

Of our successes and failure


And applying our success to tomorrow

And screening our failures from yesterday

And saying here I am world

You can take me or leave me

I’m getting by the best that I can




Robert P. Wallman

September 1980


Ps        “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it GROW” 

             1Corinthians 3:6


            “For God KNOWS that when you eat it of your eyes

             Will be opened

             And you will be like God-KNOWING good from evil”      Genesis 3:5


            “Whoever believes in the Son has ETERNAL LIFE

              But whoever rejects the Son will NOT see life

              For God’s wrath remains on him”                                     John 3:36


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