Friday, August 23, 2024









MIRACLE AT 3400 MASS. AVE.---AUGUST 23rd, 2012

Written by my niece---Carley Appleby




Carley Appleby

Saint Report



            I chose Saint Rose of Lima as my Confirmation Saint. She was born in Peru, South America and also died there. Her death was in 1617 when she was only thirty-one. Saint Rose is the Patroness of South America. She was also the first saint of the Americas.

Rose was always a good person. She was very obedient to her parents and always did tasks with a smiling face. She was always trying to please others. Rose was a beautiful girl. Her mother wanted her to wear pretty clothes but she said that only beauty of the soul is worthwhile. When a man wanted to marry her; to give her a large home with servants, she refused because she only wanted to love and serve God. Rose was always good to her parents. When they lost all of their money she went out to work every day to help them. She also went to the homes of the poor and brought them food.

            She was definitely seen as a saint in her own time. She was always helping others and never doing anything wrong. Rose cared about everyone; good or bad. Often times the Lord appeared to her to tell her how pleased He was with her and her kind deeds.

            I chose Saint Rose of Lima because I’ve always wanted to be like her. I used to look through the book of saints when I was a little girl and she always stood out. I liked the name, but it was more about her actions as to why I chose her. Rose was actually going to be my middle name, but my parents changed it to Elizabeth. Also my grandmothers saint name was Rose. I’d give anything to be like my grandmother; she was much like Saint Rose. Always caring and passionate for everything.



            I learned that not only was Saint Rose of Lima kind to people, but she was kind to animals too. I learned that I am more like Rose than I thought. I am extremely passionate for animals. I’ve always dreamed of being a veterinarian in the future. I also would give anything and everything to please my family and friends. Those three things are what I always put first. I am ready to make this change in my life and be inspired by Saint Rose!


Ps        Today-August 23rd, 2012---is the feast day of Saint Rose of Lima











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