Thursday, August 8, 2024








AUGUST 8th, 2012






Children are those

Whose heart

God holds dear


Children are those

Who in God’s heart

Are always near


God loves children

The way he loves us

But with an extra dose

Of love

Because he does care

Because children are

His precious little doves


Children are in God’s heart

And they always will be

Because it’s in his children

God does see

The hope for humanity


Children are those

Whose heart

God holds dear


Children are those

Who in God’s heart

Will always be near

Because it’s in his children

God does see

The hope for all his children


God loves his children!

For all eternity


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “And he said:  “I tell you the truth

             Unless you change and become like little CHILDREN

             You will never enter into the kingdom of heaven


              Therefore whoever humbles himself

              Like this little CHILD

              Is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”                   Matthew 18:1-4


           “He said to the, “Let the CHILDREN come to me

             And do not hinder them

             For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these


             I tell you the truth

             Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God

             Like a little CHILD will never enter into it”


             And he took the CHILDREN in his arms

             Put his hands on them and BLESSED them”                   10:14-16

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