Saturday, August 3, 2024








AUGUST 3rd 2012





Taking things for granted

Can sometimes leave you stranded

In the corners of your own mind


When things are coming too easily                                   

You lack the ambition to go out and find

The things in life that are meaningful

The things that you should control

You spend too much time worrying

About the things that are insignificant

Namely, what others do and think

When you could be on the brink

Of discovering your own goals


When you’re taking things for granted

And comparing yourself to what the average person does

You are bound to be supplanted

Because you are concentrating on the norm

You’re ignoring your own form

You’re wasting your talent

Your life couldn’t possibly be in balance

You’re just another face in the crowd


But when things are going bad

You begin working for anything that you can get

Until you reach a goal that can’t be met

But you know, when you are concentrating

That could never happen


Somehow, when things are looking bleak

That’s when you reach a peak


If you don’t set lofty goals

And just be average-you know you are a fool

After what you’ve come through

You know-something no one else could do

Don’t be just another face in the crowd

You have to be proud


You know you are something special

You know you got that magic

If you don’t use it-it would be so tragic


Come on-stand tall

Don’t be afraid to fall

Just give it your all

Be the one above the crowd

But be humble in the crowd


Just don’t go taking things for granted

And you won’t be supplanted

And even when things are going well

Keep on forging ahead

The past is the past-so just don’t dwell

Well, enough for now has been said

It is time to go to bed


Tomorrow is another day

I’m not taking it for granted


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “For it has been GRANTED to you on behalf of Christ

             Not only to believe on him

             But also to suffer for him

             Since you are going through the same struggle

             You saw I had, and now hear, that I still have”                   Philippians 1:29

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