Sunday, August 18, 2024








AUGUST 18th, 2012






Beauty is not only physical

The true beauty lies within

Deep within the soul


It is the unexpected kindness

We show to one another

It is the time we keep quiet

When we have been wronged

By the other


It is the times we forgive

And just go on

And continue to live


Physical beauty

Is pleasing to the eye

Sometimes it might even make you

Take a step back and sigh


But the real beauty

Lies deep within

It is the beauty that allows us

To keep going on

Even though

We know

We will never win


The real beauty

Is the beauty that

Lies deep within the heart

And soul


And it is true


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “One thing I ask of the Lord

            This is what I seek

            That I may dwell in the house of the Lord

            All the days of my life

            And gaze upon the BEAUTY of the Lord

            And to seek him in his temple”                                                             Psalm 27:4


            “Charm is deceptive-and BEAUTY is fleeting

             But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”                           Proverbs 31:30


            “Instead it should be that of your INNER self

             The unfading BEAUTY of a gentle and quiet spirit

             Which is of GREAT WORTH in God’s sight”                                 1 Peter 3:4

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