Sunday, August 11, 2024







AUGUST 11th, 2012





My godchild is beautiful

Is beautiful                                                                                                 

On the outside

And on the in


She has a wit

She has a sense of humor

And she has

A sense of honor too


She may not be holy

But she is spiritual

In her own right


She shares the feast day

Of Saint Francis’ friend, Saint Clare

And she is a good person

Who likes to share


In the end

I will always love her

And my godchild

She will always be


Someday I hope she realizes

How much I love her

And what she means to me


Robert P. Wallman



Stephanie was born August 11th, 1995

Her confirmation name is Clare

Saint Clare’s feast day is today


Ps        “The wolf will lay down with the lamb

              The leopard will lie down with the goat

              The calf and the lion and the yearling together

              And a little CHILD will lead them”                                            Isaiah 11:6


             “This is how we know that we love the CHILDREN of God

               By loving God and carrying out his commands”                               1 John 5:2


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