Thursday, August 22, 2024










I think we all=have had a TIME OR TWO=when we felt

Like we have had ENOUGH=like death could not come



Then someone reached out to you=LIKE AN ANGEL=Helped

To pick you up=and THROW you a life line=Reach out to someone

Today too=BE AN ANGEL TOO!=”He prayed for death=saying=

‘This is ENOUGH=O Lord’”                                                                                                              1 Kings 19:4


Today=we have the STORY of Elijah!=and Elijah=this great prophet

IS in the state of despair=Could this be Elijah?=Could this be

GOD’S FRIEND and miracle worker?


And yet he=Elijah=Lied down under a broom tree=WAITING TO DIE=

We have all been there=at ONE POINT=in our lives=PRAYING TO DIE=



“THE ANGEL=of the Lord=encamps around those=who fear him=and

He delivers them”                                                                                                                                Psalm 34:7


“All those who were sitting=in the Sanhedrin=Looked intently at Stephen=

And they saw that his face=was like the face=OF AN ANGEL”                                             Acts 6:15


“But even if=we=or AN ANGEL from heaven=should preach a gospel

Other than=the one we preached to you=let them BE=under God’s curse”                   Galatians 1:8


AN ANGEL of God=came to Elijah=when he was WAITING to die=

TO REVIVE HIM=with cake and water=and MOTIVATING HIM=and

Encouraging him=to get up


IF Elijah could feel this way=A GREAT PROPHET=and man of God=

IS IT ANY WONDER=we can feel this way too=But our God God=USES

Scripture and Church=uses people=SENDS US what we need=to REVIVE=

And get going again=in heart and IN SPIRIT


“Will you not=REVIVE US AGAIN=that your people may rejoice

In you?”                                                                                                                                                 Psalm 85:6


“For this is what=the high and EXALTED ONE says--------he who

Lives forever=whose name is holy=’I live=in a high and holy place=

But also with the one=who is contrite and=lowly in spirit=TO REVIVE

The spirit of the lowly=and to REVIVE THE HEART=of the contrite’”                               Isaiah 57:15


So my friends=my brothers and sisters=REMEMBER THOSE ANGELS=

Who have HELPED YOU=in your time of need=in this world=Remember those

Who have REVIVED you=with food=with water=and BROUGHT YOU



“May the God=who gives you endurance=and ENCOURAGEMENT=give

You the same attitude=of mind toward each other=that Christ Jesus had


So that with one mind=and one voice=you may glorify the God

And Father=Of our Lord Jesus Christ”                                                                                           Romans 15:5


REMEMBER those ANGELS=who gave you the GIFT of friendship=

The gift of food=and the GIFT OF HOPE=and help you fight back=and

Get up=CHANCES ARE=they are ANGELS=described as people=giving

You the LOVE and encouragement you needed=Just like Elijah!


BE AN ANGEL TOO!=today=to someone in this world!


In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our ever loving=ever living=Holy Father God=

And the ANGELS=he sends to us!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Father James McKarns

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