Tuesday, August 27, 2024








AUGUST 27th, 2012






I’m on a highway to nowhere

Sometimes don’t even know where I’m coming from

Sometimes I don’t even care

Because I know where I’m at

And that is all I need

To curb my inner fears


You got to run your own race

You’re not in competition with anyone

So set your own pace

There’s miles to go before it’s over

So just relax

And along the way have some fun


Back on the highway to nowhere

All the cars go flying by

I’m tempted to try to pick up the pace

But then I let it slide

I’m just trying to stay within myself

I’m not reaching for the sky


The highway to nowhere

Where does it begin

Where does it end

How many of us know where we are going

How many of us know where we’ve been


I’ve been on the highway to nowhere
Too many times in my life

I’ll be on the highway to nowhere

Probably too many times again

But right now I’m in the pits

Charting a highway to somewhere

So I know where I’m at

And that’s all I need

To curb my inner fears


You have to run your race

You have to set your own pace

You’re not in competition with anyone

Your only goal should be to get there

And along the way to have some fun


Standing in the pits and looking out on to the highway to nowhere

All the people flying by

Think they’re getting ahead

But they keep going around in circles

Over and over and over again

Wonder if they know where they began

Wonder if they know they’ll never reach the end


Back on the highway to nowhere

But I think I’m going somewhere

Because I’m running my own race

I’m setting my own pace

Some people keep passing me over and over again

But they keep winding up behind me

They don’t even know where they’ve been

That’s the way it is

On the highway to nowhere


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “I have seen something else under the sun


                  The RACE is not to the swift

                  Or the battle to the strong 

                  Nor does food come to the wise

                  Or wealth to the brilliant

                  Or favor to the learned

                  But time and chance happen to them all”                           Ecclesiastes 9:11


             “I have fought the good fight

              I have finished the RACE

              I have kept the faith”                                                               2 Timothy 4:7


              “Therefore since we are surrounded

               By such a great cloud of witnesses

               Let us throw off everything that hinders

               And the sin that so easily entangles

               And let us run with perseverance

               The RACE marked out for us”                                                  Hebrews 12:1  





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