Saturday, August 17, 2024








AUGUST 17th, 2012






God sent me an angel from heaven

God sent me an angel from up above

God sent me an angel

God sent me an angel

An angel filled with love


He came to me out of nowhere

He was my friend

He helped me financially

He fixed my roof

He fixed my car too

God sent me an angel

An angel filled with love


He really was my friend

He helped me out

Without my even having to ask

He just did it

He just did it out of love


God sent me an angel from heaven

God sent me an angel from up above

God sent me an angel

God sent me an angel

An angel filled with love


I felt like

I wasn’t there

When he was in need

But I know that that is not really true

Because to hold myself responsible

Is the last thing

He would want me to do


God sent me an angel

God sent me an angel from up above

God sent me an angel

God sent me an angel

An angel filled with love


My angel is in heaven now

I really have to let him go

But he’ll always be my special angel

Because he will always be in my heart

And my heart is filled with love


God sent me an angel

God sent me an angel

An angel filled with love


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        For Lori and Jack


ANGELS are heavenly beings created by God to assist other people


“For he will command his ANGELS concerning you

To guard you in ALL your ways”                                             Psalm 91:11


“The virgin’s name was Mary

The ANGEL went to her and said,

“Greetings you who are highly favored

The Lord is with you”                                                           Luke 1:27-28


“Are not ALL ANGELS ministering spirits

Sent to SERVE those who will inherit salvation”                    Hebrews 1:14




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