Thursday, August 29, 2024








DECEMBER 6th, 2012






I see beauty

In your heart

I see beauty

In your soul

I see grace

All around you

I think you

Must be pretty cool



You are beautiful

But inwardly

Is where it counts

And I see

I see


I see beauty

In your heart

I see beauty

In your soul


I see

The grace of God

All around you

I think

You must be pretty cool

I see beauty in your soul


I see

Grace all around you

I see

God in your soul


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “But the Lord said to Samuel-“Do NOT consider his appearance

             Or his height-for I have rejected him

             The Lord does NOT look at the things man looks at

              Man looks at the outward appearance

             But the Lord LOOKS AT THE HEART”                                         1 Samuel 16-7


             “Your BEAUTY should not come from outward adornment

               Such as braided hair-and the wearing of gold jewelry and clothes

               Instead it should be that of your INNER self

               The unfading BEAUTY of a gentle and quiet spirit

               Which is of great worth in God’s sight”                                          1 Peter 3-3&4


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