Tuesday, August 20, 2024









Do you know=WHAT A TENDRIL is?=They are stem like structures

That GROW on vines=They HELP the plant find=MORE SUN=and

They PROVIDE SUPPORT=and additional weight=to the vine

“The Lord=WILL RESTORE=the vine of Jacob=the pride

Of Israel=Though ravagers=have ravaged them=and

RUINED THE TENDRILS”                                                                                                                       Nahum 2:3


The TENDRILS of Judah=were ravaged=but the Lord RESTORED

The vine of Jacob=PROVING his plan for OUR SALVATION=is PERFECT

No matter happens to us=in this life=We still have God to RESTORE US=

And pick us back up=WE STILL HAVE GOD!


When our health problems=are keeping us down=WE STILL HAVE

GOD=when our finances are EMPTY AND LOW=and we=STILL HAVE GOD=

When our personal relationships are BLOWING UP=Our God is still

WITH US=and he will RESTORE US=He will BUILD US back up


“RESTORE to me=the joy of your salvation=and grant me=a willing

Spirit to sustain me”                                                                                                                                     Psalm 51:12


“Brothers and sisters=If someone is caught in a sin=You who live

By the Spirit=should restore that person gently”                                                                        Galatians 6:1


WHEN the tendrils of us HUMAN BEINGS=Fail us=when the SUPPORT

Of others fail us=WE STILL HAVE GOD!=when


We are beaten down=when we are RAVAGED=and when we are CARRYING

Too HEAVY of a load for us=WE STILL HAVE GOD!=to support us=we still

HAVE GOD==to HELP US carry the WEIGHT of our load


“Each one should test=their own actions=Then they can take pride=in

Themselves alone=without comparing themselves=to someone else=

For each one=Should Carry their OWN LOAD”                                                                                 Galatians 6:4-5


But WHEN our load=is too heavy=THE HOLY FATHER GOD=helps us=

Just like he did=FOR HIS SON Jesus=and brings us back=NO ONE


Has failed us=Our God HELPS US ALWAYS!


“I LIFT my eyes=to the mountains-------where does MY HELP

Come from?”                                                                                                                                             Psalm 121:1


“LIFT up your hands=in the sanctuary=and praise the Lord”                                                     Psalm 134:2


“Let us=LIFT UP our hearts=and our hands=to God in heaven=

And say……..”                                                                                                                                            Lamentations 3:41


Dear Lord=we PRAY=You are the MASTER GARDNER=when we

FEEL beaten down and burdened=HELP us to know            


WE STILL HAVE GOD!=to RESTORE US=Just like he did

For the vine of Jacob=all those years ago=We have our EVER LIVING=

Ever loving=EVER RESTORING Holy Father God!


In Jesus’ name=and in the name of=OUR HOLY FATHER GOD!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Claire McGarry



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