Friday, August 16, 2024








August 16th, 2012






Where is God’s treasure

It is in your heart

Where is God’s pleasure

It is in your heart


So open your heart

Just let the world see

There is no more reason to hide

God knows

What is inside


All the world must know

That the answer is

In each person’s heart


God’s treasure

Is in your heart


In the heart of a person

Who knows how to love

In the heart of a person

Who knows how to forgive


For it is only in these two things

That a person

Can really live


The answer to all the questions

The answer to life

The answer-the answer

The answer is

In your heart


The answer is in your heart


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        The heart is figuratively the center of person-that which

            Gives direction to a person


“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance

Or his height for I have rejected him


The Lord does not look at the things man looks at

Man looks at the outward appearance

BUT THE LORD LOOKS AT THE HEART”                                            1 Samuel 16:7


“Above all-guard your HEART

For it is the wellspring of life”                                                                   Proverbs 4:23


“I have your word in my HEART

That I might NOT sin against you”                                                                Psalm 119:11

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