Saturday, August 31, 2024








AUGUST 31st, 2012






They say it is a miracle

Can it really be true

Can we really start anew


My life is a miracle

My life is about hope


Hope in God

Hope in above

Hope for the future

Hope in love


They say it is a miracle

Can it really be true

Can we really start anew


My life is a miracle

My life is about hope


Hope in God

Hope in above

Hope in the future

Hope in love


Hope in love

Hope in love


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “For in him we live and move

             And have our being

             As some of the poets have said

            “We are HIS OFFSPRING”                                               Acts 17:28


           “You are the God who performs MIRACLES

             You display your power among the peoples”                         Psalm 77:14


           “Put your HOPE in God

            For I will yet praise him

            My Savior and my God”                                                 Psalm 42:5

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