Tuesday, August 13, 2024








AUGUST 13th, 2012






It is said

If you save one life

It is as if

You saved

The entire world


Is there

Someone out there

Whose life

You can save


If not

Whose life

You can make

A positive difference in


Save one life

Save the world

Don’t wait any longer

Make a difference today


It is said

If you can save one life

It is

As if

You have saved

The world


Save one life

Save the world


Do it today

Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace

             The God we serve is able to SAVE us from it

             And he will rescue us from your hand”                         Daniel 3:17


            “She will give birth to a son

             And you are to give him the name Jesus

             Because he will SAVE his people from their sins”        Matthew 1:21


            “For the Son of Man came to seek

             And to SAVE what was lost”                                          Luke 19:10


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