Thursday, August 1, 2024








Mom would have been 90 today



AUGUST 1st, 2012





My mom is gracious and kind

She has a very keen mind

But most of all

She has a heart full of life

She must be a gift

From God above


She has lived 71 years

She walks with a cane

She is blind in one eye

But she sees things

Most of the world has never seen

Or ever will see


She sees beauty

She sees grace

She sees God

In every child’s face


She has seen tough times

Most of it very unfair

But through it all

She has always continued to care

About her family

About her friends

About the world



She sees beauty

She sees grace

She sees God

In every child’s face


My mom is gracious and kind

She still has a very keen mind


But most of all

My mom has

A heart full of love

She must be a gift

From God up above


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “Listen to your father’s instruction

             And do NOT forsake your MOTHER’S teaching”                              Proverbs 1:8


            “HONOR your father and your MOTHER

              As the Lord your God has commanded you

              So that you may live long

              And it may go well with you

              In the land your God is giving you”                                          Deuteronomy 5:16


             “As a MOTHER comforts her child

               So I will comfort you

               And you will be comforted  over Jerusalem”                           Isaiah 66:13




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