Monday, August 5, 2024








AUGUST 5th, 2012






Awakening in the morning and feeling so much at peace

I never felt so good

I never felt so complete


It’s the Sunday morning serenity that makes me feel this way

It’s the Sunday morning serenity that always makes my day

For on Sunday morning there’s no where to go

There’s no one to see

There’s nothing else that matters

But you and but me


It seems I’m looking for a reason to pull me through to the next day

I’ve searched all the seasons

And am looking in all that I do

But the world doesn’t often ring the bells of truth

And I just have to find it

And put it in my life to stay


Looking out my window and what do I see

People all dressed up and on their way to worship

But that’s not the way it is for you and for me


For it’s these Sunday mornings when we find ourselves alone

And much of our inner feelings are revealed

And we find the courage to let it show


These moments of idleness and peace

They surely do not come often

And we need them to soften

The blows we feel throughout the week


So it’s the Sunday morning serenity

I look to throughout the week

It’s the Sunday morning serenity that makes me feel so good

And makes me feel complete

It’s the Sunday morning serenity that leaves me in my peace


Thank God for the Sunday morning serenity

It’s everything I live for

It’s everything I need

I just don’t think that I could live without




Robert P. Wallman



Ps        written many years ago when I was SO SICK

            that I could barely make it out of bed

            much less go to church


“God called the light “day”-and the darkness he called “night”

And there was evening-and there was MORNING-the first day”                 Genesis 1:5


“In the MORNING-O Lord-you hear my voice

In the MORNING-I lay my requests before you

And wait in expectation”                                                                     Proverbs 5:3


“And we have the word of the prophets

Made more certain

And you will do well to pay attention to it

As to a light shining in a dark place

Until the day dawns and the MORNING star

Rises in your hearts”                                                                      2 Peter 1:19



Ps        7-8-2019 8-5-2021





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